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Tuning fork S - 140.64 Hz Pluto

38.00 €
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Product no.: 20140


Tuning Fork S - 140.64 Hz Pluto

The audio frequency of 140.64 Hz (*) is based on Pluto's orbit around the sun every 248 years. Pluto, which was only discovered in 1930, is only about one third the size of the Earth's moon and was declared a dwarf planet (**) in 2006. In Greek mythology, Pluto embodies Hades, the ruler of the underworld, who brings us riches from the depths of the earth. Thus Pluto also brings to light the repressed that lies hidden in the shadows of our own psyche and the popular psyche.

The attunement to Pluto can help to recognize unconscious group dynamics and enable a more conscious perception of one's own shadow sides.


(*) In 2020, Pluto has only completed about a third of a solar orbit since its discovery in 1930. As its orbit is much more inclined to the ecliptic than that of the other planets, the orbital values are subject to a greater uncertainty factor. This is the main reason why its orbital period is given differently in astronomical data sources. In his book "The Cosmic Octave" published in 1984, Hans Cousto assumed an orbital period of 90737.2 days, from which he calculated the 40th octave at 140.25 Hz. 140.64 Hz goes back to a later NASA specification of 90487.277 days as the period.

(**) Since the discovery of Pluto, more and more small bodies beyond Neptune have been discovered, so that the International Astronomical Union (IAU) formulated a more precise definition of the term planet in 2006. According to this definition, a planet is an astronomical object that [a] is in an orbit around the sun, [b] has an approximately round shape, [c] has cleared the surroundings of its orbit so that there are no other objects in its orbit. A dwarf planet has the same properties as a planet, except that it has not cleared its orbit. Small bodies are all other objects that are in orbit around the sun (astroids, comets and others). According to this definition, Neptune is the outermost planet in the solar system and Pluto is a dwarf planet.

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140.64 Hz Pluto