'Die Kraft der vier Tiere entdecken' by Gertrud Schröder
Product no.: 95005
Die Kraft der vier Tiere entdecken
Angewandtes Qigong zur Begleitung in Alltag, Therapie und Training
Book by Gertrud Schröder (in German)
Discover the power of the four animals — Applied Qigong to accompany everyday life, therapy and training
It only takes a few steps, a few minutes, a few small movements ...
until Gertrud Schröder reminds us that the bear, crane, tiger and snake are also old friends of modern man. Deeply rooted in our souls, their powers and stories move us.
In Qigong Dancing, these four animal figures lead us into a movement with ourselves and with others, with our primal stories and myths, with our fears and desires. They awaken joy in physical expression, enable alternative strategies for action and allow us to experience vitality. The power of the four animals is a life story and a wealth of experience. Long Ping takes us on a journey on which Western and Eastern paths intertwine and open up new perspectives.
Those who follow in the footsteps of the animals can discover new attitudes to life and paths that suddenly become tangible because they are grounded in something that always moves us and is easily accessible: OUR BODY
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